Posted on: Jun 29 2009, 03:00 AM

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7th Exhibit Released

Daydream, we all do it from time to time, even the none creative are creative people, some people view themselves as none artistic, but humans as a race are artistic, that's why we see potential in all forms of art and we work hard to form a vision of who we are in this universe, The Luminarium presents Reverie a one of a kind exhibit. One that defines our human nature.

Dont forget the fav the news article.
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Posted on: Oct 19 2008, 04:07 AM

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Lev Savitskiy
Feature of Prismatic

Our 4th exhibit, an exhibit that has really changed the group, Prismatic features Lev Savitskiy and we would like nothing more then to show his talent and dedication with a feature in what we would like to think as our best exhibit.

DA Feature: [link]

Featured Work


Hello Lev, Give us a brief Bio of yourself
Lev: I was born in Odessa, Ukraine in 1986. At the age of 13 my brother presented me a film camera, since then I've been taking photos. Almost at the same time I've started to master Photoshop. I never read any tutorials, I just clicked everything and saw what happened. At the age of 16 I entered the Biological faculty and now I'm a Master of Genetics, now I am working on my PhD in Sweden
Lum: A PhD, so your a brain box too? How do you find enough time to produce such quality works?
Lev: I had to think of a future job to do and the possibility of getting a Nobel Prize is very appealing to me. While art and photography is a hobby for me. I think there should always be some time for things you enjoy. And honestly scientific work doesn't require to much time.
Lum: says: Yea, well as long as you are doing what makes you happy, And it seems like you are. Where do you get your inspiration from and how does it effect your work?
Lev: Most of my first inspirations were from other peoples work, mostly the best artists in the area - best place to be inspired and to learn. Not only is art inspiration but the idea of making money can be a real inspiration as I have had requests from magazines. Also I get inspired by music and some fun clips.
Lum: Speaking of other artists you look up to, is there any specific people you can point us towards?
Lev: That's a tough question because my list is rather large. You can just look at my watched artists on DA and get the idea. But I want to point out at least two people that helped me get into the space scene - Gucken and Taenaron. They were and still are my mentors. I should thank them for giving me the pleasure to work on space scenes.
Lum: That's great, two of our best artists, we are glad to know them as well. You said you started in the art direction at 13 years old, how has it effected your life since then?
Lev: I now have an awesome hobby. Painting is something to test my skills and gain knowledge in composition and other areas of art. While with photography I usually have to go out to some deserted places and I have to walk sometimes up to 15 km to get to a nice place. And I like to spend time in the fresh air away from a civilization quite a lot. So you can say that art has had a great impact on me. I think I've started to perceive the world a bit differently since then.
Lum: Well you certainly have plenty of skills in both these areas do you have any tips you would like to share?
Lev: Watch works of people that are best in the area and read tutorials - you will save a tremendous amount of time! Try to copy their works (dont rip), the closer you get the more you'll understand, the more you understand the better you'll become. And eventually you'll find your own style.
Lum: Yes those are good things to follow by, We enjoy having you in our group, your activity shows for a lot with us, How has The Luminarium effected you?
Lev: I remember the first time I was asked by Akajork to enter the group and I asked him:"Why should I?". He said:"We will help newbies get into the area by sharing our knowledge". I could never imagine the group would evolve that fast. I'm really proud to be a member of The Luminarium group and it also pushes me to make more art and get it as better as I can.
Lum: Where do you see yourself and The Luminarium going in the future?
Lev: Obviously it will grow and evolve further. I see lots of unique and helpful tutorials in the future made by the Luminarium artist's. I'm sure very soon the Luminarium will be recognized for it's great quality packs and a place where best of the best artists gather to give and get dead on critique.
Lum: Tell us a bit about the piece you did that was used in the teaser, what techniques did you use and what was the inspiration?
Lev: Long ago I saw a piece on DA where there was a candle with water splash instead of a fire. I don't remember the artist but the idea stuck in my mind. About half year ago I've came up with idea to make a flower out of water splashes. I even did a little sketch but then I dropped the idea due to a lack of nice stock photos. For all those months I've been looking over the Internet to find some stock photos until one day I've decided to make everything by myself. I shot something like 200 photos in my bathroom and then stitched the best moments together in photoshop. The person was then photographer separately. It turned out to be easier than I imagined but I'm very satisfied by the outcome.
Lum: yes the final result is quite amazing! Did you take any photograph lessons or are you a self taught photographer?
Lev: I'm 80% self taught. I've started reading tutorials only a year ago and I don't do that as much as I should be, honestly. But I think that by watching other people's work you actually get a chance to peek on their experience.
Lum: Thats impressive, Your work stands out above a lot of our artists, and that is why you were chosen as our feature of this amazing exhibit, We are so proud to have you and that alone is something not many can say, Your work is not only inspiring but intriguing and unique. Its been great talking with you, are their any last things you would like to say?
Lev: I was flattered that I was chosen as a featured artist of this pack and I hope I did my best to affirm the groups choice and I wish all the artists endless inspiration and lots of high quality and unique works!
  Forum: Featured Artists · Post Preview: #15011 · Replies: 12 · Views: 45,376

Posted on: Aug 17 2008, 08:00 PM

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Feature of Transcendence

TheLuminarium is honored to show Star.One as our first feature as he has proved to be a vary dedicated and talented artists. He has not only shown a level of design in which we enjoy but has a unique style to offer to our group.

Featured Work

(awaiting update)


Akajork: Describe shortly how you got into art. Well first off I started art when my dad installed photoshop on my PC. It was mostly small signatures at first. Now I’ve started doing spacescapes, mattepaintings and webdesign.

Akajork: Do you wish to achieve anything with your artwork? I want to make people think outside the box. explore the world they’re in and not just live in it. Let your imagination run wild!

Akajork: Yes imagination is very important. What inrpires you? Nothing in particular. It can be music, people I see on the streets, weather, life, etc. Just life itself!

Akajork: What would you consider your biggest accomplishment? My biggest accomplishment, I think it would be the The Norm piece I did. The landscape in it was the first that I made myself and I'm pretty proud of that. Just making it in The Luminarium also means a lot to me.

Akajork: You have any tips for your fellow artists? I do use a lot of tutorials since I still have much to learn. I hope I’ll never stop learning. so my advice would be; just keep reading and looking at as much art as possible. Keep your eyes open to everything and get overwhelmed by life really.

Akajork: What do you think so far of TheLuminarium? I think it’s an awesome group! All the artists are real friendly and helpfull. I feel that I’ve grown al lot thanks to the Luminarium. Special thanks to the great staff on the forum for always helping me out!

Akajork: Explain a little on how you created your latest piece. The Norm painting took really long since I had to repaint a lot of parts. The cave, the monster, the relic, all the paths and everything. I used a lot of photos for the background. They we’re all stock photos since I don’t have such awesome mountains in my backyard! The piece took over 2 weeks to create.

Akajork: Ok now before we wrap this up, do you have anything else? Sure! Keep creating and don’t give up when you fail! Thanks to my mom and dad and sister for always supporting in me! And a big thanks to all the artists that have helped me on my way to becoming better at what I do!
  Forum: Featured Artists · Post Preview: #10494 · Replies: 2 · Views: 12,162

Pinned: Rules
Posted on: Aug 16 2008, 03:04 AM

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General Rules

• Do not flame, harass, slander anyone, do not use racist jokes or post anything that may be considered illegal or offensive to someone else.

• Do not steal rip or take anything from the site that may belong to another user, This may result in a ban and is strictly prohibited.

• Any pornographic or unappropriated posting is also strictly prohibited anyone that posts or suggests it will be banned or warned giving the circumstances.

• Anyone that hacks or tries to for any reason will be punished in a court of law depending on damages and/or changes.

• Spaming will not be tolerated unless it is used in the spam section. All rules still apply in the spam area.

• Resources can only be posted if you have full rights or permission to post them. Any stocks or photos that have been illegally or unchecked copy rights will be taken off. You will need proof that it is a valid resource before posting.

• We have the right to change these rules at anytime.

Please abide by these rules and enjoy your stay, We are a friendly community and wish to stay that way.
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Pinned: New Here?
Posted on: Aug 16 2008, 01:37 AM

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Welcome to TheLuminarium we are glad you registered. We have a few things every new member should know. so please take the time to go through these simple tasks.

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We require that all new members read our rules and regulations. We ask little from each member to keep theluminarium a safe and friendly community. To share art and to get to know one another. If any one fails to abide by the rules they will be dwelt with accordingly.


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