Daydream, we all do it from time to time, even the none creative are creative people, some people view themselves as none artistic, but humans as a race are artistic, that's why we see potential in all forms of art and we work hard to form a vision of who we are in this universe, The Luminarium presents Reverie a one of a kind exhibit. One that defines our human nature.
Dont forget the fav the news article.
sick pack, no lie
nice one, it came so fast i didn't even know we were releasing already, didn't have time to finish anything for the pack sadly
there is always next time ulbe
Amazing work, l loved it!!
Right now I don't even have enough energy to check it out But I'm sure it will be sweeet when I do ^^
Awesome work guys!
Holy bird, I have the red band ha ha ha ha!!!!!
Oh God, when I'm listening to NEO's "Of ships and Flying Castles" I just think: Nothing is matter now.
7th is so good it can hurt people's hearts.
And congrats to somni; what a kickass job you did
I really loved this exhibit: it inspired me greatly. NEO's "Of Ships and Flying Castles" went straight into my music library.
Fantastic work!
Good job, friends! ^^
Great work!!! Awesome entries.
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